SARGE.EXE v 1.3 (7-21-96) By Jim Donovan EMAIL: INTRO: This program is a DOOM and DOOM II utility that randomly changes most items in any WAD file to Sergeants, Chaingunners, or Wolfenstein SS troops. It was made with my own personal tastes in mind and due the lack of such a program for DOOM II as far as I know. I prefer a rough game on Ultra-Violence that is as realistic as possible and I do not find demons or aliens to be very realistic. You will now have neat effects such as bad guys in the secret rooms where there weren't any before. Acts as a "WAD-extender" in that you will have 30+(DOOM II) possible enemy compositions for your favorite WADs. THINGS YOU SHOULD KNOW: This program does not make backups! Copy your WAD file to another name or a different directory first. I think id Software would be a little pissed if you changed your main DOOM2.WAD and then called them for tech support. The program is designed to create fairly hard levels. They should only be bad initially because you don't have any weapons and may be surrounded. If they are too much for you-run the program TWICE on the same WAD and it will replace more bad guys with medical supplies. It works on any PWAD or IWAD except the Shareware version. Remember, The Wolf SS guys do not drop a weapon when they die, just ammo, so they are a little harder. This program should run from any version of WINDOWS without a problem. BUGS/UPDATES: I cannot be sure that it will work properly on PWADs with new music or graphics. You will also notice guys standing on top of each other or preventing lifts from working properly, etc. This is a normal side effect of a program such as this and it would not be worth the effort to prevent all such occurences. Besides, what's the big deal? They will still die when you shoot them. Version 1.1 fixes the early discovered "12th floor" bug-other WADs may have this same problem, but most will not. Version 1.2 fixes about four bugs that I have discovered and allows normal "playing through" of the levels by preserving necessary monsters. It also works with HERETIC but in what is really a Beta form as I have not finished figuring-out which monsters are "necessary" since I don't play it much. Version 1.2 also DOES work with multiple-floor PWADs. Now you can also change everything to barrels or Player 1 Starts if you wish! It should also work with at least some WADs with modified graphics and/or sounds. Please E-Mail me any specific WADs it does not work on so I can figure-out why. Thanks. Check-out the "Alternating" mode that uses half Sergeants and half Chaingunners! Versions 1.3's primary claim to fame is barrel/revenant mode which is a blast as well as being challenging. I played thru the entire DOOM II in this mode more than once. I have also neatened-up some of the running of the program. RUNNING THE PROGRAM: Just type "sarge" and hit enter. It will prompt you for the necessary info. Hit lowercase "h" for help. Case DOES matter for most commands! Don't forget to enter the FULL name of the WAD when prompted. Try running some of the DOOM commands on a HERETIC WAD or vice versa for some interesting effects (some won't even run though). After running the program, just type your normal command to run the program or add the PWAD. CREDITS: Matthew S. Fell-for his DMSPECS16! Jimmy Kaminski-network playtesting, ideas, and bugging me to learn how to do this. Greg Perry-for his 1992 "C By Example" book. Scott Coleman-for his much more flexible RanDOOM program and No, I did not steal his code! Also, for answering a programmimg question. the wife(Molly)-for letting me ignore her for awhile id Software-well, I don't know... let me think... PERSONAL: I'm 34 and work as a Tech for a Security Company in Connecticut. This is one of my first C programs. Learned from books and the compiler itself. LEGAL STUFF: This program is Shareware. You may freely distribute the original zip file intact with no modifications. If you find this program useful please send $8 to: Jim Donovan 75 Union ST Manchester, CT 06040 By the way, NO ONE has ever sent me any money. Surely someone out there finds this program useful! At least Email me your appreciation otherwise I may be tempted to keep future efforts to myself. There is a big difference between writing a program that just works and one that the general public can under- stand and use. WOLFENSTEIN 3-D, DOOM, and DOOM II are registered trademarks of id Software. HERETIC is a registered trademark of Raven Software. WINDOWS is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation. DUKE NUKEM 3D is a registered trademark of 3DREALMS Software. Also see these WADS(DOOM II) by the author: HARTFORD-first one, not much HARTFRD2-small but good for DeathMatch HARTFRD3-huge open spaces and heights SARGCITY-some neat effects and sights BUMMER1-some swapped sounds and one new graphic, cool random play effect DMTRAIN1-DeathMatch Training(wonder where the name came from?) Also look for PIGDRONE.EXE for DUKE NUKEM 3D coming out soon!